Following our Feldip Hills expansion, we're excited to introduce the long-awaited Hunter skill along with numerous quality-of-life improvements!
Hunter Skill Release
Prepare your nets, snares and traps - the thrilling art of Hunter has finally arrived in MineScape! This highly anticipated skill challenges players to capture creatures across the realm. From the nimble Crimson Swifts of Feldip Hills to the elusive Dragon Implings, each catch brings unique rewards and experience.
Master new techniques, craft specialized equipment, and discover rare creatures in both familiar territories and unexplored wilderness. Whether you're starting with basic bird snares or pursuing the dangerous Black Salamander in the depths of the wilderness, your hunting adventure begins now!
Feldip Hunter Area
Our recent map expansion of Feldip Hills hosts a variety of beginning to intermediate prey:
- Level 1: Crimson swift - Bird snaring
- Level 7: Feldip Weasel - Tracking
- Level 19: Tropical wagtail - Bird snaring
- Level 33: Barb-tailed kebbit - Deadfall trapping
- Level 45: Black warlock - Butterfly netting
Salamander Hunting
Track these elusive creatures across various environments:
- Level 29: Swamp lizard (Canifis swamps)
- Level 59: Red salamander (Ourania altar region)
- Level 67: Black Salamander (Deep Wilderness)
Impling Hunting
Mysterious magical creatures known as implings have been spotted throughout Gielinor! These mischievous beings, having escaped from their home realm of Puro-Puro, can now be found fluttering around various locations carrying valuable treasures.
Available implings and their requirements:
Hunter level (bare-handed level)
- Baby Impling: 17 (27)
- Young Impling: 22 (32)
- Gourment Impling: 28 (38)
- Earth Impling: 36 (46)
- Essence Impling: 42 (52)
- Eclectic Impling: 50 (60)
- Nature Impling: 58 (68)
- Magpie Impling: 65 (75)
- Ninja Impling: 74 (84)
- Dragon Impling: 83 (93)
With the addition of Implings, you can now create your own Impling Jars, talk to the Chemist in Rimmington to learn how.
Keep your eyes peeled for these valuable creatures as you explore! More secrets about their mysterious home realm will be unveiled in future updates...
We had intended to include pitfall larupia's in this update, but due to complexity constraints, we have decided to push them back to a later date. We hope you understand and look forward to their release in the future.
Essential tools for aspiring hunters, some can be purchased from Aleck's Hunter Emporium shop in Yanille:
- Bird snares for small avian creatures
- Box traps for larger prey
- Rope and small fishing nets for salamanders
- Butterfly nets for butterlies and implings
- Tracking equipment
This being the last skill to be released, we are excited to move forward with more content updates and improvements to the game. We hope you enjoy the new skill and look forward to your feedback!
Runecrafting Improvements
We're excited to announce significant enhancements to the Runecrafting skill, bringing more variety and efficiency to rune production:
Combination Runecrafting
Players can now create combination runes by using elemental talismans on existing altars:
- Mist runes (Water + Air) - Level 6
- Dust runes (Earth + Air) - Level 10
- Mud runes (Earth + Water) - Level 13
- Smoke runes (Fire + Air) - Level 15
- Steam runes (Fire + Water) - Level 19
- Lava runes (Fire + Earth) - Level 23
The success rate of crafting combination runes is 50%. Increase the chance to 100% by wearing the newly added Binding Necklace! Created by enchanting a emerald necklace, it holds 16 charges before crumbling.
Rune Pouch
Available from any Slayer Master for 750 points, the rune pouch can hold up to 16,000 of 3 rune types while only taking up a single inventory slot, making it an invaluable tool for combat and magic activities.
Website Overhaul
As you may have noticed, the MineScape website has received a major overhaul to improve navigation, accessibility and including new features such as search. Browse around and provide us with any feedback & suggestions for improvements, you may have also noticed the domain change!
Newly added hiscores track player progress across various skills, adding a more competitive edge to the game. Players can now compare their achievements and progress with others, striving to reach the top of the leaderboard.
The roadmap, music and map sections have received updated designs and functionality, providing a more immersive and user-friendly experience. And we have deprecated the forums, in favor of the discord server and the MineScape wiki.
Quality of Life
We include many small improvements in each update that may not be immediately noticeable, but we hope they enhance your gameplay experience. In this update we have improved the custom block interaction detection, world join loading times, npc movement and mobs to have larger hitboxes for easier targeting.
Interface & Interaction Enhancements
Cleaned up interfaces and improved interactions for a smoother gameplay experience:
- Grand Exchange interactions are now more efficient with the addition of a "Collect All" option.
- Guide prices are now displayed in the Grand Exchange interface for easier item valuation.
- Construction build menu now includes room icons and rotation options for easier planning and house management.
- Magic spell interfaces now display darkened icons when requirements aren't met, making it clear which spells can be cast.
- Reverse pickup options have been added for easier inventory management
- Bob Barter now offers a potion decanting service to change potion dose amounts with ease.
- Runecrafting skill menu clearly shows multicraft amounts for runes
- New player direction arrow can now direct up/down for improved navigation
Sound System Overhaul
We've made significant progress on improving the game's audio experience:
- Added new spell sound effects
- Enhanced action sounds
- Improved combat audio feedback
Game sounds are an ongoing project, and we look forward to further enhancing the audio experience in future updates.
New Ranged weapons
Throwing Axes and Darts
Quickly dispatch your enemies with the new ranged weapons, throwing axes and darts. With the Hunter impling jars providing the game with more throwing axes and darts, the game now includes them as a ranged weapon option for players.
With the addition of the Hunter skill, salamanders can now be used as a ranged weapon. Catch and wield these creatures to unleash powerful attacks on your foes. Each salamander require a different type of tar as ammunition, which can be created by using swamp tar on the corresponding herb.
- Swamp lizard: Guam tar
- Orange salamander: Marrentill tar
- Red salamander: Tarromin tar
- Black salamander: Harralander tar
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Players are credited with fixes/suggestions, with a reward of up to 50 platinum tokens <3
- Add Onyx item enchanting
- Add members '/bank' command
- Add shooting stars to dynmap
- Add daily quest reward message
- Add repeat enchanting jewellery - chanceyboy
- Add construction firing servant prompt - boredompwndu
- Add spawning shooting starts with event points if one is already spawned
- Change some daily quest amounts to be more fair to their requirements
- Fix daily quests amounts, triggers and displays - Loon, Ore Miner, chanceyboy, Meness6
- Fix shooting stars to save locations during restarts
- Fix construction cape teleporting - boredompwndu
- Fix shooting star inspect message to auto close
- Fix telescope shooting start message to auto close - LunarOptics
- Fix ham member thieving - boredompwndu
- Fix votepool double exp extension display
- Fix ignore command for online server players - boredompwndu
- Fix watering potted seedlings to take first in inventory
- Fix more item names - woodcutsensa
- Fix barbarian stronghold chest
- Fix theiving pet roll
- Fix elder chaos herb drop - King K Koala
- Fix wyson nests to correct rates - Regorty
- Fix cooking burn rates - Loon
- Fix seeing other players in POH
- Fix herb sack open state after joining - chancey boy
- Fix voting variables on scoreboard when used - Loon
- Fix combining dyes - boredompwndu
- Fix leather armour g - LunarOptics
- Fix ardougne prayer altar
- Fix region requirements if already in region, such as cooking guild - Vetrro
- Fix construction tool store trowel - bordeompwndu
- Fix dropped items not displaying for other players after lockout time
- Fix discord announce chance message for skilling pets
- Fix cape rack name - bordeompwndu
- Fix item searching with spaces
- Fix targeting when already in combat - Bashfulnuke
- Remove non-members bank tab limits
Special thanks to all contributors who helped make this update possible! <3
- NPC Models - Regorty
- Bug Reports & Suggestions - Community
- Testing Changes - Members, Regorty, Ruby Kitsune, SecretCowLVL
- Zygeno - Blog Pictures
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