Devblog #24 Map Expansion, Warriors Guild, Resources & More!


Continuing with our bi-weekly updates, a massive push by the team has resulted in amazing progress: Two beautiful new areas and a guild have been opened up! Containing a great deal of new content, let us get into the update.

New Areas

Following our roadmap, Catherby has been the next area to be released, bringing with it the hazardous White Wolf Mountain. Travelling west of Taverley, players will encounter the snowy mountains roamed by aggressive white wolves who fear no man.

Within the new town of Catherby, there are many activities to be done.

Along its beautiful shores, a new fishing spot has been added that opens up the ability to attempt to catch a very dangerous fish: the Shark. Being a dangerous predator, the Shark requires a fishing level of 76 and can be caught with a harpoon at a Big Net & Harpoon spot.

Camelot teleport has been added, making getting to Catherby and surrounding areas much easier. Teletabs for these areas will be worth your while to make.

Flax fields have been moved towards Seers' Village, with a closer bank for lower levels than the Crafting Guild was. Players may now use this as a decent money maker. Also, sneaking its way into this update are MineScape's first two maple trees!

Warriors Guild

A surprise inclusion in the update was the release of the Warriors Guild! Located just west of Burthorpe, a castle full of fierce warriors can be located.

Adventurers who have the required attack & strength levels will be granted access to enter the guild. The guild includes a bank with a fast deposit box and basic food, potion, & weapon shops.

Speaking to the members of the guild, you will be allowed to play minigames related to melee combat. If you manage to succeed in these minigames, you will be rewarded with Warrior Guild Tokens. These tokens can then be used to gain entry to the guild's exclusive cyclops monster areas, who have been known to drop a defence weapon of sorts.

Defenders. That's right! A new melee best in slot has been added! You can now farm the cyclops in the guild. Starting with the drop of the Bronze Defender, the top floor will drop defenders up until the Rune Defender. Then, continuing down into the basement, try your luck at getting a new melee best in slot: the Dragon Defender.

Charter Ships & Glassblowing

More travelling via ship has been added. Players can now speak with Trader Crewmembers to travel to/from Port Sarim & Catherby.

Also available from the crewmembers, at each port is their own Crewmember Shop. These contain various items, but most important are the items required for glassblowing.

Using Soda Ash and Bucket of Sand from the store, players are now able to make molten glass at a furnace. Then, using the Glass blowing pipe will allow you to create many different types of glass items.

Quest Points & Tracker

With more quests coming soon, Quest Points have been added. These will be useful in blocking Slayer tasks and will be a requirement for entering the Champions' Guild.

Including a quest tracker, you are now able to quickly see how far through a quest you have progressed.

Slayer Rewards

Adding in all tabs for the Slayer Masters interface, players are now able to utilize slayer points for Unlocking, Extending & Buying.

Unlocking allows you unlock Slayer perks from fletching broad bolts & arrows to automatically dealing the finishing blow on slayer-specific mobs.

Extending a task will add additional kills to a mob type, meaning players won't have to return the slayer master as much.

Broad Bolts & Arrows are purchasable from Slayer Masters at the cost of Slayer Points.

Honourable mentions:

A few honourable mentions for this update are the following:

The mining guild boost has been added. Players will gain a mining speed increase whilst in the guild and ores will respawn in half the time.

You are now able to track your experience/hour using the <[skill]_exp_hour> variable. This updates every minute to give you a rough estimation of the experience rates you might achieve.

Ring of Recoil & Ring of Life have had their functions added. The Ring of Recoil will reflect damage onto your attackers, whilst the Ring of Life will try to save your life by teleporting you to your home teleport if your hitpoints are taken too low. Other requested jewellery features will be added in the coming updates.

We have started work on the Fishing Contest quest and the new boss instance: Bryophyta. Expect these to release soon.

MineScape Music Video

We recently posted our latest music video of minescape! This one was great fun, being done with inclusion of players from the server in the background. We will be doing many more of these, so let us know what songs & areas we should do next.

Play YouTube video

Build Competition

Our recent build competition for minigame maps for Sprinters has come to a close. The submissions will be looked over by the team and the winners announced.

Stay tuned for more upcoming competitions.


Make sure to follow our socials to keep up to date with the latest posts!

Other Changes Since Last Update

  • Added friends request accept from chat click
  • Added /quest to open quest book
  • Added heals to many edible items
  • Added fishing potion boost
  • Added swamp toad item & legs with spawns
  • Added confirmation to remove transmog
  • Added cadava berry bush
  • Added cows to crafting guild
  • Altered fishing times
  • Altered bracelet of clay
  • Removed flax from crafting guild
  • Filled cauldrons in cooking guild

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